Vistage Group

Vistage International is the world’s leading chief and senior executive organization. Every month, over 18,000 members across the world attend action-oriented peer advisory board meetings with like-minded leaders in their local geography. After hearing an expert speaker on a business topic of interest in the morning, the afternoon is a closed door confidential executive session that utilizes a proven issue-processing method where CEOs learn to ask and answer the toughest questions about their businesses. Vistage is where they come to have their answers questioned!
Chief executives from non-competing organizations come together to do real work – on their organizations and themselves. In a supportive environment, guided by an industry-leading strategic advisor (the Chair), they are able to be authentic, share their perspectives, and work through real life issues. CEO board meetings are augmented with monthly two-hour one-on-one executive advisory services provided by the Chair.
Members also have access to a proprietary Vistage resource system that includes information and staff training webinars, podcasts and access to answers from the network of 18,000 members. A recent D&B report shows that Vistage member companies experience, on average, a 3x faster growth rate than other businesses in their industries. Membership is by invitation only following an interview by a Chair.
Are you a CEO in Orange County who is looking to make the leap from good to great? Do you want to tap into the knowledge and experience of other CEOs who are “walking in your shoes?” Are you ready to take a good hard look at your current practices and make needed changes?
If yes, contact Mark Murphy today for more information on Vistage peer advisory groups and what they can do for you.

In Orange County, there are over 30 advisory boards made up of non-competing CEOs. Mark Murphy Chairs one of those CEO peer advisory boards (Vistage CE119).
Speaker topics in the last couple of years have included Hiring Best Practices, Executing on the Strategy, Creating an Intentional Corporate Culture, Igniting Brilliant Leadership, Pricing Strategies, Improved Web Presence, Inspiring Millennials, Executive Health Amid the Stress, and The 30-Minute Marketing Plan.
Some of CE119’s members include:
- The CEO of an Electronics Manufacturing Company
- The CEO of a Real Estate Development Firm
- The CEO of a Marketing and Advertising Agency
- The Managing Partner of a So Cal Based CPA Firm
- The CEO of an Architectural and Engineering Firm
- The CEO of a Financial Documents Service Bureau
- The Senior Partner of an International Business Law Firm
- The CEO of a Major Construction Company
- The CEO of a Live Events Production Company
- The CEO of a Major Southern California Port
- The CEO of an Electronics Design and Manufacturing Company
- The President of a Health and Beauty Product Manufacturer
- The CEO of a So Cal City Transportation Agency
- The CEO of a Steel Tank Manufacturer
- The CEO of a Health Care Talent Provider
- The CEO of an ERP Provider for Complex Discreet Manufacturers
- The Practice Leader of a Major Insurer of Public Agencies
- The CEO of a Real Estate Investment and Management Company
This is not a networking group, although contacts are made through the trust relationships created amongst group members.
Member’s Collective Vision for Vistage CE119
Vistage 119 is a place where we grow … ourselves first and the value of our companies as a result.
A place where we learn new ideas, gain new insights and see diverse perspectives. We understand our issues differently, gaining clarity to produce breakthroughs that would not otherwise be possible. It’s the one place we don’t have to “look good,” or have it all figured out, and can be rigorously honest with each other to reveal for ourselves what is really possible and what is keeping us from realizing those possibilities. It is a place where we choose to be accountable for our promises to a diverse group of highly capable performers who have no vested interest other than our success.
This environment is available to us because we choose to intentionally and collectively create it. A place that is safe, respectful, honest, and built on mutual commitment to each other’s success in life and in business. We each play full out, raising the bar of trust among us. We contribute to each other in every aspect of our meetings: our presence, our questions of a speaker, our listening for each other, processing of our own opportunities, and providing our perspective on another’s journey.
The tangible benefits of our investment in creating and being in this space are:
- Learning new ideas. Getting real-life questions answered.
- Making better, well-vetted decisions (from 30% to 70% successful).
- Gaining awareness and perspective – of the situation and of ourselves. To get unstuck and able to move forward faster.
- Feeling invigorated, rejuvenated, and motivated to stay in the game amidst unexpected events.
- Running more profitable, healthier businesses.
- Developing better / more effective relationships – at work and at home.
- Having Fun. Making new friends who share a similar life journey.
- Becoming the best CEOs we can be / Optimizing the leadership potential of our teams.

To learn more about Vistage, the normal process is:
- Schedule a 20 minute phone call with a Vistage International Regional Director who will share the benefits and requirements of membership as well as answer any questions you may have. If both of you believe that further exploration is warranted, the Regional Director will schedule an in-person meeting for you with Mark.
- Meet with Mark in person for about two hours to explore where your business is now, where you want to take it, what is working vs. stuck, what you might be able to get from the Vistage group, and what you might be able to contribute to it. If, after this conversation, both you and Mark believe that there would be mutual benefit, Mark will extend an invitation to join the group.
To continue your exploration of Vistage, please contact Mark at either 714-777-5110 or [email protected]. He will arrange for your initial phone conversation.
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